Application for a boat berth

When you register for the Jordfalls harbour berth queue, it is important that you provide the correct measurements for your boat; length, width and depth. Your place in the queue is paid for one year at a time. When you register for the berth queue, you pay the mandatory registration fee. You will then receive a confirmation by email.

Each berth has an annual fee. One month before your year in the queue ends, you will receive a link by email and text message with payment instructions if you still wish to remain in the queue. If you wish to change your berth to a smaller or larger berth, the same rules apply as for a new application by joining the queue for a new berth.

We recommend that you use a computer or tablet for the best experience and functionality. Note that "Length of the berth" and "Width of the berth" refer to the maximum dimensions of the berth, so make sure that your boat has room with a margin for fenders and the like.

Allocation of available berth

Allocation takes place continuously when a berth becomes available. If you are offered a berth, you will receive a notification via email. If you accept the offered berth, you have 5-7 days to pay for the berth. If you do not pay for the berth on time, the berth will be offered to the next person in the berth queue.

Once you have paid for the permanent berth, you will automatically leave the berth queue. Please note that only those who are allocated a berth will be contacted via email.

Choice of queue position

We have three choices when you get in line.

  • Change- Means that you have a berth but want to change berth.
  • Full space- Means you want a dock space and winter storage - this choice gives priority in the queue.
  • Boat space only- Means that you are only interested in boat space
Jordfalls Hamn AB
Jordfall 115
Betal och bokningssystem från